sábado, 10 de março de 2018

Humor Fordiano

«-Mr. Ford, you made a picture called Three Bad Men, which is a large scale western, and you had a quite elaborated land rush in it. How did you shoot that?
-With a camera.»

«-Mr. Ford, how did you get to Hollywood?
-By train.»

«-Mr. Ford what did you thought you would achieve when you decided to make a career in motion pictures?
-I thought... I would achieve... a check

«(...) they had just held a production meeting and had reached the conclusion that the picture was four days behind schedule. Without changing his expression, Ford looked at him for a few seconds, and then casually opened the script, tore out four pages, handed them to the astounded man, and said, "We're on schedule. Now beat it." »

Tudo disponível em Searching for John Ford.

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